Friday, August 13, 2010

PVC Pipes

Guinea Pigs love tunnels. PVC Pipes make great ones, and are easy to find at the local hardware store. But there are a few safety cautions one needs to take. Here they are.

> Make sure the PVC Pipe is big enough. Guinea Pigs strangle themselves in pipes that are too small. Make sure they will still fit in it when they grow bigger.
> No sharp edges! Your pet woudn't like with a scratch on his side, and neither would you. Don't try to sandpaper the sides, simply buy one which is smooth.
> Be aware that the guinea pig probably won't want to go into it at first, unless he's accustomed to one. Don't force him inside. Just let him work it out himself, otherwise he'll learn it's a bad thing.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Thankyou so much! These guides for the proper care of Cavies are so informative for the novice ans intermediate pet lover.