Guinea Pig Diet

A guinea pig's diet is a big thing. They seem to be eating all the time, and there is so much they can and can't eat. So here is a whole page devoted to it.

Albino Guinea Pig Eating Mix
The two favorite dry food types are pellets and mix. Pellets are "pellets", they have vitamin C stored in them which is very important for guinea pigs. Mix is a "mix" of things, including pellets, sunflower seeds, wheat and more.
Hay is another important part of their diet. Guinea pigs will nibble on it throughout the day, like they would nibble on grass in the wild. Try to give them a constant supply at all times.

Vegetables are a main part of a guinea pig's diet.
Water and food  are very important for guinea pigs, so remember to top up their food bowls and water bottles daily.


Apples - core and seeds not edible, has high suger content so limit amount

Bananas - skin edible, can cause constipation so limit amount



Green Grapes

Honey Dew Melon

Kiwi Fruit





Red Grapes


Water Melon


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